Weekend Wisdom

Weekend Wisdom: Pink Hyacinths

Be like the pink hyacinths and just bloom no matter what the weather. Then stay blooming even when the weather turns back to winter from false spring. Overnight temperatures will be below freezing the next four nights. It will be interesting to see how they adapt.

May God bless you with a blooming good day.

Bio: Michele Kearns is the founder and HUG© (Hope Unites Globally) Award-Winner of JoyReturns. She shares her adventures, hoping to inspire widows to move through grief and rebuild their lives. Michele is a lover of history. books, and lipstick. She is also the amateur photographer behind the blog OgleOhio.com.

2 thoughts on “Weekend Wisdom: Pink Hyacinths”

  1. I love your phrase, “false spring.” How true! As we turn the calendar page to March, we do tend to petend it’s spring. Not so. Even when we get to spring equinox we may have chilly, winter-like temps. But the hyacinths can still stand tall! Thank you for an inspiring post.

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